
danh tu hy la bo

i bet Loc a dollar this place had a whole pig on the go, he said they only ever have a 1/4 of a cow... looks like a pig to me lad!

Nha Trang (revisited)

Loc's a good guy with a very nice family. They sorted me a well cheap room with a balcony, fed me at least once a day and occasionally we'd get drunk. He also offered to get me some brass, but i don't partake in such things, nice of him to offer though!

before Tet, Loc sells loads of new year decorations on the street, they cobble together loads of lights and jam em into the street lamp circuits, when it rains there's a mad rush to cover everything with tarps, i never work out whether its to stop the goods getting wet or to prevent an inevitable electrical disaster, i think it's the former.

no one in vietnam walks anywhere if its over a block away, this guy laughed at me for turning down a lift and slapping my thighs at him, nice paunch lad, could do with walking a few blocks yey!

good scran for about 80p here - Toi muom com thap cam! i want rice and a bit of everything! found another gaff doing it for about 30p so this place got sacked off.

buddhy hell!

haven't made many trips to pagodas, i'm very aware of a feeling of encroaching on territory i do not belong in. imagine (firstly, that you follow a religion and secondly that you actively attend its designated venue of worship) but then, imagine you're in said place of worship and some bumbling tourists are lurking around, looking bewildered and taking photographs... not sound is it?
anyway i was bored and this on had 2 big massive buddhas so i went for a lurk about.

pet sounds

dog owner: yes my the dog is very fat and very stupid
me: do you not take him for walks?
dog owner: no
me: yeah he'll get fat then

dalats it for now

last couple from dalat, got some more in b&w to develop, but for now just a lazy attendant and a daft pooch


'Straight (no chaser)'

i know 'selfies' are bent as, but i'm on my own here. Also, when my dementia kicks in it'll be something for a doctor to show to me.

genuine zeb?

even up close to this i couldn't tell if it was actually a zebra or they'd painted a horse... up the road in the near-by village there was one kicking about in someones front yard.

went the wong pagoda

'đao cao đai'

so basically i came to this place by accident and only realised when i'd got back to my hotel later, this place was great anyway and there was no one there spare 2 old women brushing the steps.

going back to country living

there's biology museums... and then there are biology MUSEUMS!

 So like they say; there are biology museums, but then, there are biology MUSEUMS... i don't think this technically is either.
Stumbled on this goldmine on the way back from a mish out to Long Bian Mountain. There were actually loads more but i'm a firm believer in 'vetting' so i've hand picked the best ones. They'd also stuck on display alongside these a piglet in a fish tank of formaldehyde... for good measure!


 the ladz!